Although I think they would argue to the contrary, most business owners are very comfortable with the status quo. Here’s the proof; I have yet to encounter a business owner who, when asked if they were willing to change in order to grow their business and make more money, would respond with a no. A typical response goes something like this; “sure, what do I need to do?” If you’re one of them please read on.

Business owner reality is that we all want to know “what to do. Just please make it simple, quick and painless, and I’m glad to pay you to let me in on the mystical secret that will get me from point A to point B; point B being wildly successful profits and no problems.” At the same time business owner logic is thinking (but not saying) “but just don’t ask me to go through the stress and frustration of making painful changes. I don’t have time for it”. In all fairness, we all know that there is no silver bullet cure for sustained business growth and success, as much as we would love to think there is, and as much as we all really hate the thought of making difficult changes, whether it be personnel, systems, target markets or, most important of all, ourselves.

So, what changes are on your business growth horizon for 2013 and how do you plan to implement them? Is your only question “what should I do?” If so, here are three powerful questions that you, as a business owner or leader, have a responsibility to ask, and truthfully answer, every day in your business. If you do this and take action to follow through on the answers, you will likely experience game changing velocity in your business growth and have a wildly successful 2013.

Question #1: “What do I want?” Notice that this is a leadership questions vs. a management question. Great leaders don’t look for silver bullets. Rather, they first define reality, which means having a vision for the future. What exactly do you want for 2013? More revenue, higher profits, more productive staff, more time to do the things that really matter to you, increased sales …? Ask the question and answer it honestly. Be sure to quantify (where possible) and list everything you want. Next, prioritize the top three and create a step-by-step action plan to accomplish each goal, one at a time.

Question #2: “What is missing from my business, that if added or changed, would have the most positive impact on my bottom line and in my life?” It could be the addition of a key position, upgrades in technology, a new or additional location, or maybe just more buy-in from your staff. Again, answer honestly, list, prioritize, and ACT! In some cases the answers to question #2 may overlap or parallel the answers to #1. That’s ok. The important thing is to make sure you’re answering with complete honesty and taking action steps to add or change whatever is missing.

Question #3: How do I have to change to get from where I am right now to where I want to be?” This is likely the most important question of all. If you, the owner/leader are not willing to change yourself it’s likely nothing else will ever change. Do you need to become more disciplined about eating and exercise, better guard your family/personal time, become a better leader, or learn more effective interpersonal skills? Who will you get to help you? Should you think about bringing an accountability partner, coach or mentor alongside to ensure follow through? The answers you provide and subsequent action steps you take are, quite frankly, your key to success in 2013.

No one else can determine how or when a company will change but you, the leader! So, one last question; are you satisfied with the status quo? If not, please ask, honestly answer, and act on the most important questions. You’ll never look back. Wishing you the best in 2013!
