Losing control is never a good feeling. Like driving down a steep hill with no brakes and nowhere to turn off, a business that lacks needed systems and restraints will eventually crash and burn. It’s up to the driver to take the necessary precautions and fine tune the vehicle before it ever gets to that point. But sometimes drivers – aka business owners – don’t know what they don’t know, and need help.
The good news is, there is help! You can take steps to get control of your business and turn it in the direction you want it to go starting today! No matter how large or small your business is, you deserve to have the peace of mind that having that control can give you. Get started now!
Legacy Business Leaders; collaborating with business owners nationwide to produce optimal profits and consistent productivity.

Are you receiving the return you want on your business operations? Many business owners work hard but break even in the end. Learn how to manage your accounts and price services/products effectively so you produce greater margins.

Are you stuck in the day-to-day busyness? Is your business owning you rather than you owning it? Learn to manage your schedule for high functionality and effective work. Make time work for you rather than struggling with your schedule.

Are you losing excitement and joy in your business? Are you drained from managing? It’s time to rediscover why you’re in business and why you began in the first place. It’s time to learn how to enjoy your business.
2014 PBCA Coach of they Year: Fred was recently named North America’s 2014 “Central Region Business Coach of the Year” by Professional Business Coaches Alliance (PBCA) – North America’s premier alliance of independent business coaches. “Fred is a leader among leaders in the PBCA and is highly respected among his colleagues throughout the United States and Canada. He was well-deserving of this significant honor.
Working with Fred has been transformational for our business. He gave us the tools and skill set to establish true accountability from top to bottom. Fred’s mild manner can be deceiving. Make no mistake – he is as tough as nails when required. I can recommend Fred without equivocation to any builder or remodeler who is looking to improve their results and quality of life.
Fred has brought so much value to us personally as well as our business. He taught us how to be leaders and we never stop learning and growing and improving. I cannot say enough to describe all the benefits we have and continue to receive in this business relationship.
When we first hired Fred we figured 6 months – 1 year tops. Now years later, we have chosen to continue to work with him because he brings us so much value and causes us to think and implement changes that we would never be able to do on our own. Shows us how to do the hard stuff that only the owner can do, but boy does it make all the difference.
He know just the right thing to say and has endless resources to get you what you need. I had done a lot of reading and studying, but talk about getting on the fast track. He makes it happen, or he gets you to make it happen. :)…whatever “it” is that week. Saves us time and energy and we are in a place where I never dreamed we would get to. And we are doing it together, common focus, common goals between Greg and I. Ok, I’ll stop before the night comes.
Our work with Fred has provided quite a change for the better in our business. We not only have moved our business out of the house to a new office location, but have hired key people that have been instrumental in allowing us more freedom and peace of mind. And knowing that there is much hope for a brighter future, both personally and professionally, has been exciting and energizing.
We have also gained a clear vision for our business and have found that having the ability to convey that vision to our staff, along with our newly stated core values, gives us much more credibility as leaders. Fred has also encouraged us and prodded us to learn and practice new leadership skills and implement many new systems that are already paying big dividends
The Fine Art of Creative Tension: Finding the Simple, Elegant Solution
Growth is a mindset Failure to acquire and practice a disciplined mindset for growth often hijacks the best interests of otherwise capable leaders and business owners. Education, intelligence, and experience alone do not guarantee [...]
The Scalable Builder Part II, The Truth About Variation
Growth in any business, regardless of the industry, is a function of variance. This is a fact. However, in my opinion, there is no other industry where such a variety of complex issues combine [...]