The Fine Art of Creative Tension: Finding the Simple, Elegant Solution

Growth is a mindset Failure to acquire and practice a disciplined mindset for growth often hijacks the best interests of otherwise capable leaders and business owners.  Education, intelligence, and experience alone do not guarantee long-term sustained growth. In fact, as the authors of Strategy in Action explain, "Experience is valuable only to the extent [...]

The Fine Art of Creative Tension: Finding the Simple, Elegant Solution2024-07-24T11:57:38-04:00

Connections: The Missing Link Between Value and Activity

“Excellence is a game with endless innings. At best we partially succeed – and that makes all the difference.” Pascal Dennis Connections impact everything! Everything we have and are today, is connected to what we thought and did yesterday in some tangible way. This is not so much about social connections that dominate much [...]

Connections: The Missing Link Between Value and Activity2022-10-12T10:05:27-04:00

The Road to Lasting Improvement

To improve is to overcome something that impedes our way forward; an obstacle or hurdle that blocks us from becoming better people and leaders.  But improvement is an inside game.  Getting better at anything requires a personal confrontation.  Learning how to get out of our own way is what defines our lifelong journey to [...]

The Road to Lasting Improvement2019-04-01T09:51:43-04:00
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