Surviving an Economic Storm

It goes without saying; these are unique and unprecedented times like none of us has lived through before.  The economic crisis of 2008-09 did massive damage for a large segment of the population, but the COVID-19 crisis exempts no one.  We are all in it and all being impacted in some way.  It has [...]

Surviving an Economic Storm2020-04-20T16:12:49-04:00

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty in Turbulent Times

How do we, as a business community, respond to the current state of affairs concerning the pandemic COVID-19 health threat, while protecting our businesses from the potential fallout?  It is a question that is very relevant and all-consuming for business owners across our nation and the world.  With so much invested and so much [...]

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty in Turbulent Times2020-03-25T10:35:40-04:00

Inspiration: The First Stop on the Road to Success

Of the many responsibilities we are called to every day in the construction business, one stands out as underserved and neglected – inspiration.  At its core, leadership is inspiration.  It’s taking people somewhere on purpose; moving them to act of their own volition, to follow, support and devote themselves to the mission at [...]

Inspiration: The First Stop on the Road to Success2019-10-14T13:30:23-04:00

Becoming a Learning Organization; Becoming ‘Great’ vs ‘Good’

Author Jim Collins has elegantly noted that in business, “Good is the enemy of Great”[1].  In his fascinating study of “Great”[2] companies compared to “Good” companies, those defined as “Good” found it too easy to settle for mediocrity and failed to produce consistent profit.  “Great” companies however, stood out from good by virtue [...]

Becoming a Learning Organization; Becoming ‘Great’ vs ‘Good’2019-10-07T14:10:08-04:00

Leadership by Inclusion – Inciting Change for Success

How does your business need to change? Every business, after all, is in some state of flux at any given moment, reaching for new levels of success while struggling against the common challenges of varying opinions, behaviors, attitudes, customs and competencies of its most valuable resource – its people. Intentional change is the departure from [...]

Leadership by Inclusion – Inciting Change for Success2018-11-06T13:47:23-05:00

How Can I Find (and Keep) Enough Good Employees?

“Help! I can’t find enough good people.” That’s a common phrase among builders, remodelers and trades people around our country these days. It seems our labor force has taken some serious hits since the recession, and left us begging, borrowing and stealing to come up with enough good people to get the work done. This [...]

How Can I Find (and Keep) Enough Good Employees?2018-11-06T13:47:25-05:00

Success Must Be Defined Before It’s Achieved

Over the years I’ve witnessed many business owners struggling with frustration, stress and self-doubt, all of which takes a very real toll on them both personally and professionally. I know what it’s like because I was one of those business owners for many years. The physical, emotional and financial fallout can be exponential when left [...]

Success Must Be Defined Before It’s Achieved2018-11-06T13:47:26-05:00

3 Steps to Protecting Your Profit – Finding Your Focus

No one goes into business with the intention of losing money. Yet a preoccupation with busyness often short circuits our decision making ability and prevents us from capturing small opportunities that can make a big difference on the bottom line. The inclination to stay busy is natural, but adopting the daily discipline to seek only the most productive activities is wisdom; the [...]

3 Steps to Protecting Your Profit – Finding Your Focus2018-11-06T13:47:28-05:00

Your Winning Strategies to Keeping More Profit on the Table

I received an encouraging phone call from a client this morning who had been struggling for most of his business life with a challenge that plagues many (if not most) small business owners. Though his product is excellent, and there is clearly a demand for it in the marketplace, his success ratio for capturing more [...]

Your Winning Strategies to Keeping More Profit on the Table2018-11-06T13:47:29-05:00

Help! I’m Not Finding the Right Customers

“It’s not what you think it is,” I commented. My client had just re-visited a chronic issue that has plagued their company for years. In fact it’s become the Achilles heel of their business. The challenge I’m referring to is consistently driving more business to their door; in other words, marketing effectively. Most of the [...]

Help! I’m Not Finding the Right Customers2018-11-06T13:47:31-05:00
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